Sunday, May 18, 2008

Libraries need to update facilities

Blogs are something that I have never really understood and don’t know how people have so much free time on their hands to constantly update these with everything else they are doing. Mary Ann Kajewski who wrote an article on “Emerging Technologies Changing Public Library Service Delivery Models” suggest that blogging can be the new way for libraries to reach the public in a more efficient and informative way. She suggests that “creating a blog for your library is a free, easy and fast way for your staff to communicate information to your public and if you choose, to provide a medium for your public to participate in service development”. The only real contact I have had with blogs before this were two years ago when a former basketball coach I had was hit with a stroke. His brother got on the computer and kept everyone up to date with what was going on in his life. This coach almost died and took months to recuperate after many surgeries later. It was really neat to be able to hop on and see how Coach Johnson was doing because he was I Oklahoma and hard to get a hold of. So in this sense I could see blogs being very useful and beneficial.

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